However, Yamcha's (Dragon Ball/Desert Bandit) was not released until DLC Pack 1, thus it must be placed in datap1.cpk or datap2.cpk.

For example Battle Suit (Vegeta, On Entry) came with the base version of the game, so it may be repacked within data2.cpk or any following. Note: Some mods must be placed in either the same. Helping out the newbies, making it easier on the moderators and less infuriating to me. Hopefully this will kill 3 birds with 1 stone. I've grown tired of the same question, and I know some moderators have as well. While this is not a bad thing, we were all newbies once, some seem to be lazy to look for the answers themselves. Because it's the most popular I seem to get newbies and thus the same question asked repeatedly. Since my thread has become the most viewed and I wanted to break it up into smaller sections that would make it easier for editing I decided to add a section with tutorial links. If nothing else, maybe one day DBXV2 will come to PC as well, and I will see you all then. One day if I can get my laptop repaired for a decent price lower than that of a brand new computer itself, I will join everyone at the new forum. If there are any of you that wish to continue my work, specifically making clothing colorable and cel shading the clothing for CaCs please feel free. But until I can find a solution I'll be unable to even play games, let alone do any modding. If nothing else I will try to ask if I can possibly buy a new one from a Sager service center and replace it myself, as I've replaced the mobo on the laptop I'm typing this up on now, lol. I have already been emailing Sager support, and will probably get an estimate of how much it might cost early this week. After that it's turned off every 5-6 minutes. Today I turned it on and it ran fine for an hour, and then turned off. It shutdown after I first turned it on yesterday, and again a few hours later. I figured it worked while it was sitting at the computer shop for a week, and then ran okay (somewhat) for another 2-3 weeks.

I decided to leave it off, unused, for a week straight. After my previous update, my computer decided was a good time to start shutting down more and more frequently. Unfortunately I don't think I will be able to be part of that. In a few days the forums will move to their new location.